5 Essential Steps to Land Your Dream Tech Job Before 2024 Ends

Dream Job

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, landing your dream job in 2024 requires more than basic technical knowledge. It’s about standing out in a competitive market, showcasing your unique skills, and aligning with the industry’s future demands. Whether you’re a recent graduate or looking to switch industries, the tech sector offers endless opportunities for growth and innovation. Here are five actionable steps to help you land your dream job before 2024 comes to a close:

Step 1: Choose the Right Tech Course

The first step towards your dream Tech Job is gaining the necessary in-demand skills. The Tech career path is classified into Coding career, Low coding career, and No coding Careers; your pathway should align with your skill set, preferences, and career objectives. Equip yourself with these in-demand skills through our online courses that not only teach you the latest technologies but also provide hands-on experience and industry-relevant projects. It is important that you choose courses with prior knowledge of their requirements and commitments. Do you need help in making an informed decision on what tech path to choose?   Book a session with an industry Expert for FREE.

Step 2: Build an Impressive Portfolio

A portfolio is your career’s visual resume and the most crucial element for tech job seekers. The Good News is that you don’t need a job to build a portfolio. Begin building your portfolio from day one of starting a course. Document every project (including any personal projects), no matter how small, and showcase your problem-solving skills and creativity. Whether coding projects, design mockups, or digital campaigns, a strong portfolio demonstrates your abilities and sets you apart from other candidates. Employers love to see real-world examples of what you can achieve.

Remember, a portfolio is not just a collection of past works; it’s your showcase of skills and capabilities. Dedicate time to develop projects that highlight your technical proficiency and problem-solving abilities. Use platforms like GitHub for coding projects or Behance for design work. Before the completion of our courses, students are given assignments and Capstone projects that are useful for building a portfolio. Follow us on IG for Portfolio Tips.

Step 3: Optimize Your Social Media and Network

While learning, you should share your experiences and what you learn on social media platforms like LinkedIn and X. This would not only facilitate networking but also make you visible to potential Employers. Also, follow or connect with industry experts on social media as this can provide you with important tips and hacks. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with relevant skills and endorsements. Recruiters often use LinkedIn as a primary tool for finding candidates, with 77% of all job openings posted there.

Networking can lead to referrals, which constitute 35% of all hires in tech roles. Hence, Attend tech meetups, webinars, and conferences. Join platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow to connect with professionals in your field. Engaging in these communities can provide insights, mentorship, and job referrals.

Step 4: Gain Practical Experience Through Internships

Internships are your gateway to real-world experience and industry connections. Look for internships in your chosen field. These opportunities not only provide hands-on experience but also often lead to full-time employment offers. Data shows that candidates with internship experience have a higher chance of landing full-time positions.

Don’t be afraid to volunteer for extra responsibilities. Treat internships as stepping stones towards your dream job and a chance to prove your worth as it contributes to a good Portfolio.

Step 5: Optimize Your Job Search Strategy and Master the Interview Game

Have a concise and compelling CV and Cover Letter to highlight the skills and experiences that perfectly match the job description. Utilize Job Boards, Company Websites, and Professional Networks to find openings that match your interests and qualifications. At Novotern our students are taught extensively how to have a compelling CV and an optimized LinkedIn profile. 

Tech interviews can be rigorous. So practice coding problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal. Familiarize yourself with common algorithms, data structures, and system design principles. Practice common interview questions and scenarios. Companies are looking for problem-solvers, so demonstrate your critical thinking and troubleshooting abilities.   


Landing your dream job in tech before 2024 ends requires dedication, strategic planning, and a commitment to continuous learning. Start today by enrolling in a tech course that matches your career goals, building a good portfolio, leveraging internship opportunities, networking effectively, and optimizing your job search. Remember, in the tech industry, your skills and portfolio are your biggest assets. Success in tech is not just about technical skills; it’s about demonstrating your passion, adaptability, and commitment to continuous growth.

Ready to take the first step? Enroll in one of our comprehensive tech courses today and start building your path to success and unlock endless possibilities in the exciting world of technology. Your dream job awaits!

If you are unsure of what tech skill you need to get, you can book a free 15-minute call with an expert.


If you have any questions. We will be glad to answer all of your questions.


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